I’m packing my suitcase and taking...

So, I'm standing there, with a huge pile of clothes and lots of things I need to take on my long journey. Do I really need them?! And that's when my yearly stress begins. I take it all, only to use half of it when i get there. If that!

The whole of the kids' room

This year I'm determined to only take what I actually need. So, I start sorting the things in my suitcase a week before the big trip. Some people think that's way too early. But with a toddler who likes unpacking it again, or who puts the whole of their room in the case, you can't do it early enough! First, I tackle the shoes. I think, who needs ten pairs of shoes in Florida? Summer, beach, temperatures up to 30°C. No, you need comfortable shoes that are light, airy and soft on the children's delicate feet.

Bisgaard sandals

After comfort, style is of course a big factor. Bisgaard's breathable leather sandals combine both aspects. When it's hot, you need shoes that are soft and pleasant on your skin. My daughter has very narrow feet and she's really active, so she needs open sandals that are good for running and playing. So, we chose two pairs of bisgaard sandals with a closed toes and velcro fastening.

The velcro fastening makes them easy and quick for her to put on and take off herself. She's really proud of that of course! The closed toes protect her feet more and so they're particularly good for little kids. Because children's feet grow quickly, it's always important that they have growing room of 1 - 1.5 cm when you buy them. The shoes should also last as long as possible and not only for the few weeks of holiday. 

Our hand luggage

For our flight and arrival, she'll wear a pair of bisgaard shoes. Everyone knows how cold it is in the big airport halls or on the plane itself. So, we'll put one of the pairs of sandals in our hand luggage and she can change them quickly when we arrive. I've picked the rest of the clothes so that the items go well together. So, I kept the pile to a minimum. Now we can relax on the long journey to Florida. The kids will be calmer if their parents are in a good mood. Nothing is worse than stressed parents on a 10-hour flight. And if it goes wrong? No problem, it's all much easier if you're calm.

Huge thank you to the author; @mama.von.lara